Book Review: Quotes from Jesus Continued... by J.D. Greear


Quotes from Jesus Continued...: Why the Spirit Inside You is Better Than Jesus Beside You

“In Scripture, the word of the gospel and the power of the Spirit always go together.” Pg. 21

“While the Word that God gave to us in Scripture is clear, eternal, and unchanging, the Spirit guides us in ways mysterious and varied.” Pg. 37

“In every age, the church faces the danger of degrading itself from a movement to a place, from a conduit of God’s mighty, rushing wind to a sacred place where we seek serene, spiritual moments; from a rescue station to a spiritual country club.” Pg. 49

“Every spiritual gift serves the larger purpose of getting the gospel to the ends of the earth. We have different roles, but the overall mission is the same: preach Jesus more effectively.” Pg. 53

“All of Jesus’ miracles of healing were only signs of his greater and more significant work: reconciling us to God.” Pg. 64

“A heart that truly understands the gospel overflows with gratefulness to God. Extravagant grace produces extravagant givers.” Pg. 88

“The Holy Spirit, you could say, is always leading to the cross or from it, to carry its message of healing to others.” Pg. 92

“The gospel he (the Holy Spirit) illuminates is the announcement that Jesus saved us by doing for us what we could never do for ourselves, living the life we were supposed to have lived, and dying the death we were condemned to die. These saving acts of love are given to all who will receive them as a gift. He substituted himself for us, fully satisfying the divine penalty against our sins so that the Father could fully accept us….The more you grow in your knowledge of the gospel, the more intimate you become with the Spirit.” Pg. 104

“The only thing stronger than the captivity of sin over our souls is the power of the Holy Spirit released by faith in the cross of Jesus Christ.” Pg. 109

“…Scripture spends more time focused on the type of people we should be and less on the specifics of where and what we do. When you become the kind of person God wants you to be, you will do what he wants you to do.” Pg. 114

“Unless he breaks in with clear direction, we should follow the paths of godly wisdom, make the wisest decisions we can, and trust that God is guiding behind the scenes.” Pg. 118*

“Whatever you are good at, do it well for the glory of God – and do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God.” Pg. 129

“A New Testament ‘church service’ consists of three things: the Word of God, the people of God, and the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God puts the Word of God in the mouths of the people of God. And when that happens, Paul says, believers are built up and even unbelievers recognize that God is alive and at work in his church.” Pg. 148

“Although the Bible most clearly spells out for us God’s will, his Spirit also moves in our spirits by giving us particular burdens, special insights, and, yes, supernatural dreams. As we follow them (holding them tenuously, submitted to his Word and others in his church), we follow him.”

“Doors that God wants us to go through are always consistent with his Word.” Pg. 170

“God uses the wilderness. The pasture is his laboratory. When he puts you into a white space, don’t assume he’s forgotten you. In the pasture, he’s commencing some of his best work.” Pg. 186

“Revival is the intensification of the normal operations of the Holy Spirit.” Pg. 200

“What if we aren’t experiencing God’s power in our communities, in our churches, or in our families – simply because we are not persistent in asking?” Pg. 209

“This is what God does with all those whom he wants to fill with the power of his Spirit. He leads them down a path of humiliation and failure. He breaks them. He makes them weak in themselves so they can fill up with the power of God.” Pg. 218

“The Spirit wants to glorify Jesus in your life, not you. Live today with your eulogy in mind, asking God to do through you what only he can get credit for.” Pg. 222

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