Daily Devotional: Hebrews 13:7


What are those truths that stabilize your soul? What are those Scriptures you cling to in the midst of doubt, despondency or dilemma?

As we well know, we continually need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:1-2). With an aim to that end, let Hebrews 13:17 be one of those verses that stabilizes your soul:

    “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:7

For those in Christ Jesus this verse is a source of stabilizing hope. This declaration by the author of Hebrews comes near the end of the book of Hebrews and implicit within this verse is to look back through the whole book of Hebrews at the glory, beauty and superiority of Christ Jesus, who is the Unchangeable One.

You would be well served to take a few hours to read through the book of Hebrews and to make note of the nature and work of Jesus the Messiah.

He is the Son of God, the heir of all things, the creator of the world. He is the exact imprint of the nature of God, the radiance of the glory of God and upholds the universe by the word of His power. He is the merciful and faithful high priest who has made propitiation for the sins of the people (Hebrews 1 & 2). He is the high priest who is able to sympathize with our weakness (Hebrews 4:14-16). He is the guarantor of the new covenant (Hebrews 7:22)! He is the one who offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins and has sat down at the right hand of God and had put his conquered enemies underfoot (Hebrews 10:11-13). He is the founder and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).

There is so much more throughout the book of Hebrews and in the Scriptures that give us understanding about the person and work of the Messiah.

The truth that Jesus is unchangeable gives us hope knowing that He will not alter in His character. He is eternally trustworthy as the Creator in the past, eternally trustworthy in salvation and deliverance from sin in the present, and eternally trustworthy ruling and reigning from heaven for all eternity.

If Jesus were to change in his nature, he could not be God and if he were not God, He could not rescue us from our sin.

Yet we have a glorious God and Messiah who is unchangeable and is God, is the deliverer and will bring us safely home to glory.

More faithful and constant than the sun that rises every day is the Son who rose from the dead and is eternally faithful. Let us together daily find our hope and rest in who Jesus is, in what Jesus has accomplished and eternal life in Him.