Daily Devotional: Psalm 16

A Prayer in Meditation upon Psalm 16
Over the past few weeks we have talked about ways to meditate upon Scripture. One of those ways is to read, reread and think upon the passage. Good and right thinking is worship unto the Lord and can be turned to prayer unto the Lord. One way to meditate upon Scripture is to write out a prayer as your meditate upon a passage. I would whole-heartedly commend journaling a prayer as a source of feasting upon God’s Word and pouring out your heart to Him.
This morning I spent time in Psalm 16 and then sought to write out a prayer.
“Lord, praise be to your name! In You and You alone I have refuge and rest, peace and protection. In You, the fullness of goodness dwells and your perfect kindness overflows to all your creation. You are my delight and gladness.
“I look out at this world and see brokenness and rebellion against you and see the untold distress of a world defiant against you. I am daily reminded and confronted with my own sin. You are the refuge and fortress for my soul, yet so often I only perceive with man-made understanding and fail to run to you and in your unchanging character.
“Thank you that you are the God who gives perfect counsel and understanding. Strengthen me to run to You continually. When I am tempted to trust in myself or in others apart from you, continually draw me close to You and refine me for your glory.
“I extol you that you did not leave me in my rebellion against You but gave me new life in your Son. You are the God who is eternally faithful, and in Christ Jesus you never abandon me nor will ever forsake me. Your promises are true and faithful. Thank you that you are the same yesterday, today and forever.
“In Your presence there is fullness of joy, and at your right-hand, pleasures forevermore! Thank you that in Christ Jesus I have a joy that eternally surpasses all comprehension. Thank you that in Christ, even trials—especially trials—can be met with joy, knowing that you work out all things according to the purpose of your will, and you use those trials in life to grow my trust and dependence upon you. Increase my love for you, O God, and intensify my eternal longing to be with you in our eternal home.”
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