Indian Trail Church Children's Ministry

Our desire at Indian Trail Church is to partner with parents in laying a firm foundation of the Gospel in children's lives. On Sunday mornings this is done through a Gospel-centered curriculum that proclaims the glory of God's plan of salvation through Jesus. We offer classes for Toddlers-6th grade.

Our teaching magnifies God in all of Scripture. We focus on who God is - He is faithful, holy, just, righteous, merciful, all-knowing, merciful, loving, gracious, always in control, and so much more! We want kids to have a right view of God.

Our teaching is gospel-centered. We emphasize that the Bible is one story; God’s plan to redeem sinful man by sending a Savior. (Genesis 3:15) The coming of Jesus is the pivot point in Scripture. Everything prior to Jesus’ coming points forward to the cross, and everything after points back to the cross. We talk about the glorious good news of Jesus every Sunday!

Check out our suggestions for children's Bibles and books on the Children's Ministry resource page.

Ministry Contact
Laura Dobratz
Children's Ministry Director