EQUIP aims to provide Biblical and theological training for knowing God, growing in godliness, and engaging in ministry. The course categories will encourage a full range of maturity and growth in believers.

  • Foundations Course (Basics of the Faith) to grow people in foundational aspects of Christian faith and life.
  • Essential Truths of the Faith Course (Systematic Theology) to grow in the core truths of faith from ITC's confession of faith statement so that members can know, practice, and share them.
  • Bible Course (Biblical Theology) to grow in knowing the Bible by either studying a book, a section or genre of the Bible, or an important theme that develops throughout the Bible or a section of the Bible.
  • Christian Growth Course (Practical Theology) to grow in practical areas of life and godliness.
  • Engage Course (Ministry) to grow and engage in practical areas of ministry.


As those who have been set free in Christ to know God and walk with Him, we are encouraged to approach His throne of grace with confidence in prayer. Prayer is how we stay dependent upon God and continue to draw near to Him as we face the joys and challenges of everyday life. Through prayer, we experience the grace of God’s power to help us in our time of need. But prayer is not easy. Many of us struggle with cultivating healthy prayer habits in our lives.

The Growing in Prayer audio files from the Main Sessions and Breakout Sessions are available here.

Please go here if you would like to listen to audio or get class notes from our EQUIP classes.


For questions about EQUIP, please contact Pastor Bob DeLateur at bob@indiantrailchurch.com.