The Gospel and Missions

October 28, 2018 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: The Gospel And...

Passage: Matthew 28:18–20


- What does it mean to be a disciple? What examples of disciples can you think of from the Bible? What examples of disciples do you see in the world around you? What are you a disciple of?

- If you are a disciple of Christ, what has Jesus called you to do in Matthew 28:19? Is the main point to "go," or is it to "make disciples?" Does one have to "go" to "make disciples?" Should someone "go" to "make disciples?"

- How are disciple-making and the local church related? (Hint: Is being a disciple something that happens in one moment, or something that takes a lifetime?) Can healthy disciple-making happen without the local church?

- Where does our confidence to make disciples come from? (See verse 18 and verse 20.) Have you ever considered "going" to a far-away place to make disciples? Is there any place so far away that Christ will not be with you?

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