Are You Ready?
January 5, 2020 Speaker: Bob DeLateur Series: Matthew
Passage: Matthew 24:45– 25:30
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- In Matthew 24:45-25:30, Jesus is speaking to his disciples. What kind of responsibility does the word disciple imply? List some of the kinds of actions that disciples of Christ called to take.
- Jesus parable at the end of Matthew 24 describes faithful and wise servants and wicked servants. How do these servants illustrate disciples of Christ?
- In the same way, how do the wise and foolish virgins from the parable that begins in Matthew 25 illustrate what disciples of Christ can be like? What does the door being shut (verse 10) mean?
- Based on the parable found in Matthew 25:14-30, what should be the results from the actions and activity of a true disciple of Christ? If you consider yourself a disciple of Christ, what kind of fruit has your Christian walk produced? How would you explain James 2:14-17, which says that faith without works is dead?
- Based on what Jesus says in this passage, are you ready for his return?
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Fishers of Men