Persecuted, (re)Planted and Proclaiming

December 13, 2020 Speaker: Dustin Greenup Series: Jesus's Reign

Passage: Acts 8:1–5


- How does the advent of Christ's coming relate to the resurrection and ascension of Jesus? How does it relate to the works of the church? How would you describe what the works of the church are?

- What is God's part in the proclaiming of Christ? What is the part of God's people in the proclaiming of Christ?

- What was the persecution of the early church like (as described in Acts 8:1-3)? Who was leading this persecution? Why do you think this "great" persecution did not stamp out the church? What kind of persecution does Christ's church face in our world today? In our nation? In your life? Is there any chance the persecution of the church today will stamp it out?

- As God's people, are we called to proclaim Christ publicly? What does it mean to proclaim Christ publicly? Where does the power to do this come from? What are some examples of you proclaiming Christ in public?

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The Unchained and Unstoppable Good News

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We Can Know the One True God

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