ITC Confessions: Of the Fall and Sin
March 21, 2021 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: ITC Confession of Faith
Passage: Ephesians 2:1–3
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- Ephesians 2:1 tells us that our natural condition from our sins and trespasses is dead. What does being dead mean? What kind of death is this?
- If our human nature tries to minimize or deny sin, how does Scripture define sin? How does our culture define sin? What did Kyle mean when he said sin is inverted today?
- What does Paul mean about following the course of this world in Ephesians 2:2? Who is "the prince of the power of the air?" How is it possible you have carried out this prince's desires? Can this happen even today? Does sin always look or seem bad?
- Read Titus 3:3-6 and Ephesians 2:4-9. What can we do about the stain of sin in our lives?

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