ITC Confessions: Of Christ's Work

April 11, 2021 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: ITC Confession of Faith

Passage: Isaiah 52:1– 53:12


- When we hear, "Jesus died for you," what does that mean? Are there ways to misunderstand this statement? What does it mean to you?

- Who is the servant of God that Isaiah 53 talks about? What is the work of this servant that Isaiah 52 describes? In Isaiah 52 & 53, what does sin have to do with the servant and his work?

- What does redemption mean? If we are slaves to sin and the price for our freedom is not money (read Isaiah 52:3), what is it that pays that price? (hint: Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:12-14)

- What does propitiation mean? (see 1 John 4:9-10) How do we see this in Isaiah 52 & 53? What do you think it was like for Jesus to absorb the wrath of punishment for our sins?

- If Jesus was not righteous, whose sin was he paying for by dying? But because he substituted his righteousness for our unrighteousness, what is our standing before God? What does the gospel say we need to do to attain Christ's righteousness?

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