ITC Confessions: of the Lord's Supper
November 7, 2021 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: ITC Confession of Faith
Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23–26
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- What is the Passover found in the Old Testament? What is the Lord's Supper being talked about in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26? How is Passover related to the Lord's Supper? How is idolatry the oppostie of the Lord's Supper? What is the "new covenant" mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:25?
- Why is it important to look back at the life, death and resurrection of Christ when we take the Lord's Supper? What does it mean in sharing the Lord's Supper to look upward to God the Father? What do we look forward to as we take the Lord's Supper? Why would we need to look inward while taking the Lord's Supper? What purpose would looking around at the body serve?
- Should those who haven't biblically and fully given their lives to Christ share in the Lord's Supper? How do we know when someone has done that? How important is it for someone to understand and proclaim the gospel?
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