Leviticus An Atoned for Kingdom

January 26, 2025 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: Shadow to Substance


  • What elements of God’s character do we see most (His grace, power, mercy, justice, holiness, etc.)? In what specific sections/verses do you see these? Because God’s character never changes, what do these sections show you about how you should relate to God (i.e., how does this section apply to your own life)?
    How is man’s fallen condition put on display in this book? What do they do (or fail to do) that shows the lasting effects of the fall in Genesis 3? In what ways do you see these specific sins played out in our own day? In what ways are they most prevalent in your own life?
  • What elements of this book create a need for Christ? Does this book present any shadows that will be fulfilled in Christ? Show why you think this using verses from the New Testament.
    How does the content of this book connect with what we’ve already learned in the Old Testament?
  • Are there any divine covenants explicitly mentioned in this book? If so, where do you see them? Does this book make reference to any previously established divine covenants? If so, where do you see this happening?
  • What do you see in the lives of people in this book that serves as either a positive example (and, therefore, something to be emulated), or a warning (and, therefore, something to be avoided)? How can God’s interaction with His people (or theirs with Him) provide encouragement or hope for your own walk with Christ? Make note of specific verses and share how these apply to specific situations in your life.

More in Shadow to Substance

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Genesis A Covenanted Kingdom