Our Unity In Christ

February 12, 2017 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:10–16


-Why is unity in the body a potentially neglected issue in discipleship? When is unity usually spoken of in the church? Why?

-What is Paul's main appeal in this passage? What are some surrounding concerns?

-How was unity pictured during this sermon? In what ways can this be practically pursued in the lives of ITC members?

-Why is "quarrel" and "strife" viewed so negatively in the New Testament

-What is the ultimate ground for our unity as a church? How can this practically play into the relational unity we're to pursue?

More in 1 Corinthians

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Concerns of Love

January 28, 2018

Personal Resurrection

January 21, 2018

The Resurrection Kingdom