ITC Confessions: Of Conversion
May 16, 2021 Speaker: Kyle Schwahn Series: ITC Confession of Faith
Passage: Acts 26:1–32
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- What is the difference between physical sight and spiritual sight? What should spiritual sight recognize? What does darkness signify in Scripture? (hint: Colossians 1:13)
- If real conversion means real repentance, and real repentance means real change in our lives, does that contradict being saved by faith alone? How can turning from darkness in repentance and turning to the light of God in faith be the same act?
- Read 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. What is godly greif?
- Repentance begins with a change of mind about ourselves, our sin, and Jesus Christ. What other changes happen in repentance? What are some examples of life changes we see in the New Testament?
- How has God changed your life through your faith in Jesus Christ? What things help make our godly changes lasting?

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